
We are always the dust inside the large universe.

We are always the dust inside the universe to chagne the world.

Hi, 我是杜雷鸣,英文名Albet,Albert Future Lab创始人,多年混迹于博客知乎TwitterGithub等社交媒体,常年在社交媒体上制造信息垃圾。

现在在新加坡科技设计大学搬NLP方向的砖,主要研究情感分析,词的特征表达和智能问答,对图像方向有所涉及。主要编程语言为python, C++,大量使用tensorflow, keras, dynet等框架。曾在中国南方电网工作,毕业于沙坡村职业技术学院EE专业。

目前在创造和维护的开源项目叫OpenSentiment, 旨在集成不同的情感分析框架,有兴趣的可以发邮件到duleimingdo@gmail.com联系,期待有识之士共同维护此框架。

We are always the dust inside the universe to chagne the world.

This is Albert·Leiming·Du, a coder who is working on NLP research, the founder of Albert Future Lab. I graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2014. Then I worked in China Southern Power Grid as an electrical engineer for more than three years. Now I am working at Singapore University of Technology and Design as a researcher on Natural Language Processing field. My main insterets are Sentiment Analyasis, Word Representation and Question Answering System. Also, I know something about CV. I mainly write the code with ptyhton && C++, build the model with tensorflow, keras and dynet.

At most time, I am hanging around on some major social networks, like BlogZhihuTwitterGithub. I keep making some binary garbage to waste the server and electricity resource.

I have built the opensource project called OpenSentiment, to integrate some useful Sentiment Analyasis Structure for some common usage and keep maintaining. If you have any interests or problems about it, please feel free to drop me an email.